Kathryn Joseph \\ the outtakes video 25 January 2016

On Sunday night, to celebrate the one year since "bones you have thrown me and blood i've spilled" album release, we did an advance reveal to all the contributors as well as the Celtic Connections gig goers of Kathryn's crowd-sourced video "the outtakes" directed by O.D. Davey

what Kathryn says about it:

"dear beautiful humans.
I wanted to say thankyou again for all your help and support and your being constantly lovely and kind towards my bones you have thrown me and blood I've spilled. thankyou you have made it all amazing.

the beautiful and brilliant and friend of mine O.D. Davey has made a video for the outtakes made up of outtakes that are yours.

thank you thank you thank you

Go watch "the outtakes" video Premiere on GoldFlakePaint now...

the outtakes video